Friday, February 8, 2013

February 8, 2013

The last time I saw my friend Tom Faulkner we had tea near his home in Winnipeg. I asked him about his longtime practice of Sunday church attendance. “Catherine,” he said, “Sunday worship is the only time many of us have to sit quietly.” We talked about listening to familiar scripture stories, the relationships created in preaching a sermon, music that soothes and excites, and being called to prayer.

Your church provides a time for the regular practice of worship. It takes care and welcoming and study and practice. It takes people, love, and spirit. It takes a deep affection for the city you see pictured on our bulletin. It takes our energy and the Love of God. And it takes the prayers of neighbours who attend as well as those who are not able to, but hold the worshipping community in prayer.

After the Good Samaritan story this week we gathered for the Annual Congregational Meeting. We discussed study groups and music, family faith formation and budget investments, building security and repairs, and the pleasure of being an open and invitational spiritual home.  

Jesus tells the Good Samaritan story after someone asks him “Who is my neighbour?” The answer to that question is a Samaritan who went ‘way above and beyond what a person might do to help a stranger who was an enemy too. We are called to be neighbours and it is a sacred calling.

Thank you for your spiritual practice of holding our Sunday morning worshipping community in prayer. You strengthen us to be the neighbours this city needs. May we all have a moment to sit quietly and be open to God’s presence.

Blessings of quiet, intention, and love,

The Rev. Dr. Catherine Faith MacLean

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